Matthew Rhys, actor with a connection to Wales (Cardiff)
Matthew Rhys
Starred in films 'Titus', 'Very Annie Mary', TV series 'The Lost World' and on London's West End in 'The Graduate'.Connection: Born and raised in Cardiff.

Best mates with Ioan Gruffudd.

He came from Fishguard originally! He's starring in the production of 'Under Milk Wood' that is on now.

In November 2003 he starred in the ITV1 TV drama series 'P.O.W.' as corporal Alfie Harris, a British spy. Also, he read 'Fern Hill' in, what I call (after seeing Under Milk Wood in the new theatre), his 'Dylan Thomas voice' on the BBC programme 'On Show' which commemorated Dylan Thomas' death.

Often to be seen around Cardiff!

He came to my school a couple of times, really funny guy and a great actor!

One of the nicest people I have ever met! I've had the good fortune to meet him three times. The first time I was ill (long story)! I have every respect for him simply for putting up with my mum and me! Excellent actor and I'm looking forward to seeing him in 'Decameron:angels and virgins' and 'Love and other disasters' when they come out in the cinema!

link by: DdraigGoch
Film Credits

Listing of all his movies and tv appearances.