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Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, artist with a Welsh connection!

Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen

UK TV personality and leading UK interior designer and style guru.
Connection: Of Welsh descent. Born in London on 11th March 1965.
click here to buy this book now!   fantasy rooms
this text, which accompanies a television series, explores all kinds of styles from gothic to egyptian to high renaissance. all kinds of living rooms are transformed.

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comment by:AusieLassie
Laurence has superb style and is the sexiest man on television. He has great wit and charm. He can do my room any time.

comment by:EdWelsh
His father was a surgeon and his mother a teacher. He graduated with a BA Hon. from Camberwell Art School in 1986. He's won a stack of awards for designs, specialising in flooring during his early years.

comment by:HeyAngeljude
You are great! I have a church full of fans. One lady in particular. Leslie would it be possible, as she works many hours for the sake of others voluntary, that you could send me a signed photograph? it would be wonderful!

comment by:danceman
I wonder if my mums responsible? She taught him to sew at primary school.

comment by:tafwys
Parents are from Newport (according to a recent article in the Western Mail).

comment by:Lululu
He manages to be hot without being manly and macho and that's incredible. I never thought I'd prefer an interior designer as a male model to, say, muscled-up Brad Pitt.

comment by:gorgeous1
Laurence is a rare creative genius with a talent for manifesting his dream into reality, not just for the one-off's but for everyone through his TV shows and his readily available collections of wallpaper, cutlery, bed linen etc.

comment by:LisaMo
Are his parents from Newport, Gwent or Newport, Pembrokeshire, for some reason I thought it was Pembrokeshire?

click here to buy this book now!   the golden rules of interior design
his vast knowledge of the subject and related areas is evident in this comprehensive guide.

click for availability!
click here to buy this dvd now!   changing rooms
changing rooms: trust me. .. i'm a designer from 2002. all the highlights of the series including: 'the diy disasters', 'the neighbours with attitude', 'laurence's antics' and much more!

click for availability!

link by: EdWelsh
Official website
Get all the information you want on this award winning designer.