Conny Fisher
Winning the BBC1 reality TV show, "How do you solve a problem like Maria"
Dai Rees
Controller, Civil Aviation Authority Flying Unit.
David Gray
Successful musician with much acclaimed album, 'White Ladder'.
Frank James
First professional bank robber in US history. Brother of Jesse. He also fought against the 'Robber Barons'.
Gerald Wales
Royal Chaplain and author of Itinerary of Wales 1191.
Graham Sutherland
Leading 20th century painter.
H Williams
Known as the 'Welsh Caruso' at the turn of century. Concert and recording tenor in Europe and United States.
Henry Tudor (VII)
Raised a Franco/Scot/Welsh army and defeated the infamous English King Richard the 3rd at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.
Henry VII
King of England 1485-1509, founder of the Tudor dynasty.
Ian Walsh
Football (Soccer) player for Wales .
Jamie Owen
News presenter for BBC 'Wales Today'.
Jesse James
Notorious and misunderstood 'Wild West' outlaw.
Kenneth Griffith
Numerous roles in film, TV and radio, including 'The Prisoner'.
Mervyn Johns
Acted in 'Dead of Night', 'Moby Dick', '80,000 Suspects', 'Jamaica Inn' and in over seventy more films!
Nicholas Edwards
Secretary of state for Wales 1979 -87
Owen Gibby
Pioneering diabetes care in Wales.
Peter Doran
Numerous TV appearances including the BBC's 'East Enders' and 'Men Behaving Badly'.
Sue Cook
TV presenter of factual BBC TV show 'Crimewatch'.
Sue Davies
Played Brian's girlfriend in Monty Python's the 'Life of Brian'. Also appears in 'Solomon and Gaenor' and many, many other films.
William Matthias
Composer and director of the North Wales Music Festival.